
PayPal payment gateway integration lets you manage your International business payments in one go. It has a simple pricing plan: 2.9%+ 0.30 per transaction (Most of the Cards). Get bank payout within 1-5 working days.

About PayPal

Businesses often choose PayPal API integration as their primary payment gateway for handling international online payments from clients. It is indeed one of the most famous payment methods so far.

PayPal is trusted by millions of businesses worldwide. With more than 20 currencies on their dashboard, you can have a tremendous global payment relationship with multiple clients.

How does it work with Moon Invoice?

Moon Invoice has secure payment integration with PayPal. You can manage your business payments easily by choosing PayPal payment gateway integration from our multiple payment options. Your customers will pay you on Moon Invoice using their credit cards, and the transaction will be 100% safe.

How to Get Started?

  1. Log in to your Moon Invoice Account.
  2. Click on Profile Pic and Add Company
  3. Fill in the Company details and Tap on Payment Methods
  4. Connect PayPal API integration> Click on Add Setup
  5. Enter the verified PayPal email ID for completing the process.

On This Page

About PayPal

Need Help?

Contact PayPal for help at these links:

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